Protect half of our planet

Jag har signerat ytterligare ett upprop där ett antal mer eller mindre kända skådespelare står bakom.

Återigen är det organisationen Avaaz som håller i namninsamlingen.
Skriv under du också efter att ha läst vad det handlar om i länken nedan.

Avaaz, Actors, Protect half of our planet, COP15

Skådespelaren William Shatner från Star Trek skrev i ett e-postutskick följande:

”Dear Avaazers,

You may know me best as Captain Kirk from Star Trek, but last year I went to space for real. As I looked back at the fragile blue jewel of our planet I promised myself that I would do everything I could to protect our one and only home.

That’s why I’m writing — as you read this, governments from around the world are meeting at a major summit in Montreal to decide whether to massively scale up protections for the environment, or let the planet go.

So I am personally asking you to join me in backing the global call to protect half the Earth, and help make it massive. Add your name, with just one click,and I will work with the Avaaz team to deliver it directly to key leaders during the meeting.

Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensity around us, a deep call for endless exploration.

I was absolutely wrong. The strongest feeling, that dominated everything else by far, was the deepest grief that I had ever experienced.

I understood, in the clearest possible way, that we were living on a tiny oasis of life, surrounded by an immensity of death.I didn’t see infinite possibilities of worlds to explore, of adventures to have, or living creatures to connect with. I saw the deepest darkness I could have ever imagined, contrasting so starkly with the welcoming warmth of our nurturing home planet.

This was an immensely powerful awakening for me. It filled me with sadness. I realized that we had spent decades, if not centuries, being obsessed with looking away, with looking outside. I did my share in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier. But I had to get to space to understand that Earth is and will stay our only home. And that we have been ravaging it, relentlessly, making it uninhabitable.

I hope you’ll join me; if we work together we can convince our leaders to act to reverse the devastation.”


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